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Read more about Master's programmes at Blekinge Institute of Technology. Collaboration with us. Blekinge Institute of Technology is characterised by cooperation 

Accounting, corporate  The course is an elective course in business administration belonging to the programme in Business Administration and Economics, the degree of Master of  Masterprogrammet i Finans är designat för att förse studenter med solida du en Ekonomie masterexamen med huvudområdet Finance och förbereder dig för  Management accounting courses focus on the design and use of management control systems from both a strategic and business process  The master program in Accounting, Valuation and Financial Management is designed to prepare students for careers such as financial analyst, business  MSC Corporate Financial Management är utformad för dem som bedriver karriär Master in Finance and Corporate Finance tillhandahåller den grundläggande  Master's Programme in Finance förbereder de studerande för olika slag av ledarskap och anställningar på School of Business Finance  7.5 credits · Course code: 2FE997 · Education cycle: First cycle · Main field(s) of study and in-depth level: Business Studies G1F · Grading system: Fail (U), Pass (G),  The core faculty and international visiting professors provide you with a broad solid basis in Corporate Finance and Investment Theory. Furthermore, prestigious  During my master's I joined LINC - one of the most prominent finance societies in the Nordics with over 1,500 members. Here, I was responsible for researching  or industrial organization or (b) completion of a course in financial accounting and 15 credits in finance including corporate finance. Level of Education: Master Corporate Finance 2 7,5 Credits.

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Contact our team. Stockholm. Sweden. Jacob Bruzelius. Head of Debt Advisory and Restructuring.

Corporate Finance 2 7,5 Credits. Course Contents. This course provides students with a deeper knowledge of the three tasks of the Financial Manager: 

You will learn from specialist staff with expertise in accounting, finance, economics and management. On completion of the Master of Finance (Corporate Finance) (MoF-MCF) programme, graduates will be able to: apply conceptual frameworks drawn from Accounting, Risk Management, Economics, Quantitative Method, Business Ethics and Law to the analysis of investment and corporate finance issues.

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Master corporate finance

With an emphasis on international corporate finance and corporate governance practices, our course equips you for an increasingly complex and dynamic  The Master's in Corporate Finance and Control is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Economics at Radboud University. This masters programme provides the necessary foundation for a career in Graduates will go on to work as CFOs, corporate finance specialists, financial  Find out more about the MSc International Corporate Finance & Banking in the Business School at the University of Glasgow, UK., This Masters blends corporate  Business Administration, Master of (M.B.A.) with a concentration in corporate finance. Home/; Graduate Bulletin/; School of Business/; M.B.A. programs/  Masters 1 and 2: €25,000; Master 2: €15,000 Corporate finance: financial analyst - head of operational finance - treasurer - M&A consultant; Financial markets:  Apr 6, 2021 Master of Business Administration (MBA), Corporate Finance - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and  STEM-Eligible Degree. The Master of Finance program in the Corporate Financial Analytics, Risk Management Analytics and Financial Big Data Analytics tracks  The Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master of Science and Technology It provides students with essential skills for strategic decision-making   Master in Business Economics - Corporate Finance. Looking for a vibrant and international oriented learning community at a top 100 university with challenging   The focus of the MSc Corporate Finance is to provide technical training to persons who are interested in pursuing a career in the financial sector.

Instead of 12 months of optional practical training, they have a total of 36 months under STEM, which amounts to an extra two years of working in the United States. International Finance and Corporate Financial Strategy Equity Valuation and Financial Statement Analysis Risk, Portfolio and Investment Analysis Corporate and Quantitative Finance Research Methods Live Class. One week intensive live lectures online to prepare for your final dissertation. Stage 2. 60 credits, Individual dissertation Das DAS Corporate Finance ist Teil dieses MAS. Ihre erbrachte Leistung rechnen wir im Master-Studiengang an. Welchen Abschluss erhalten Sie? Mit diesem Studiengang erklimmen Sie die nächsthöhere Sprosse auf Ihrer Karriereleiter.
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The Master of Finance program in the Corporate Financial Analytics, Risk Management Analytics and Financial Big Data Analytics tracks  The Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master of Science and Technology It provides students with essential skills for strategic decision-making   Master in Business Economics - Corporate Finance. Looking for a vibrant and international oriented learning community at a top 100 university with challenging   The focus of the MSc Corporate Finance is to provide technical training to persons who are interested in pursuing a career in the financial sector. It will provide  The corporate finance track focuses more on financial management and valuation.

The focus of the MSc Corporate Finance is to provide technical training to persons who are interested in pursuing a career in the financial sector. It will provide rigorous technical academic training to persons who wish to have a career as a trader, financial analyst, corporate banker, risk analyst among others. The Master of Finance in Corporate Finance program prepares graduates to stand out in a competitive job market by studying at a highly reputed business school with some of the world’s leading academic thinkers in finance and industry experts.
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The finance industry needs people who possess deep mathematical modeling skills and computational expertise. UCLA Anderson’s Master of Financial Engineering is a 13-month program rooted in the business school paradigm of merging quantitative finance theory and principle with up-to-the-minute business practice.

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The MSc in Finance receives special recognition from the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFA). As our programme contains at least 70 percent of the CFA body of knowledge, you will benefit from a head start towards the internationally recognised CFA qualification.

In this environment, professionals need to master financial techniques. However, technical skills alone are not enough: young graduates need to prove that they have a comprehensive understanding of the financial industry and the regulatory environment, as well as the challenges faced by their corporate clients. The Corporate Finance track prepares students for financial careers in nonfinancial firms, and for careers in financial firms that advise nonfinancial firms and assist them in the implementation of their financial strategies (e.g., banks, investment banks, consulting firms, and private equity funds). Master of Finance.