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It is the official GDC site to purchase or sell YTCs. Free transfers can be made P2P (Port to Port) from YTC Wallet to YTC Wallet. Bond YTC Calculator Outputs. Yield to Call (%): The converged upon solution for the yield to call of the current bond (the internal rate of return assuming the bond is called). Current Yield (%): The simple calculated yield which uses the current trading price and face value of the bond. See the bond yield calculator for explanation. There is only one YTC value, which is presented in the YTC Wallet and the GDC Exchange.

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There is only one YTC value, which is presented in the YTC Wallet and the GDC Exchange. This value is used in the GDC Marketplace for transactions between sellers and buyers. In the GDC Marketplace sellers can accept 100% of the value of their merchandise and / or services in YTCs.

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Table of Contents: Volume One – Introduction . Volume Two – Markets and Market Analysis . Volume Three – Trading Strategy .
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Yellow Trading Coin (YTC) is the utility token of Global Digital Cooperative. Thousands of YTCs holders and GDC members interested in purchasing them may transact on this site.

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Yield to call (YTC) is a financial term that refers to the return a bondholder receives if the bond is held until the call date, which occurs sometime before it reaches maturity.

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