His DPS talents afford him the rare ability to tackle mercenary camps with little risk to himself, especially in the early and late game. His Parry ability and the level 7 talents Victory Rush or Second Wind both afford Varian the sustainability needed to assault camps with relative safety.
2: Hur mycket DPS är 1 hit värt för en Warlock i T7 gear? 1.097. 1.295. 1.396. 0.158. 3: När är haste High Overlord Saurfang. Grom Hellscream. Varian Wrynn.
Varian: 15-11-2018: 0: 2328: Varian Frappe du Colosse: Plume: Varian: 08-04-2019: 0: 6137: Build Varian DPS/Gros solo Heal: dinoz64: Varian: 04-04-2018: 0: 9623: Varian build tank : Plume: Varian: 08-04-2019: 0: 8036: Varian: Luzwild: Varian: 10-09-2017: 0: 1417: Varian tank : Deadshot: Varian: 30-07-2017: 0: 2077: Varian Arme : Deadshot: Varian: 30-07-2017: 0: 2184: Variante Bruiser: PapaTchango: Varian: 22-06-2017: 0: 2310 Standard DPS Varian. 1 Basic Attacks heal Varian for 1% of his maximum Health. While below 50% Health, they also heal him for 50% of the damage dealt. VARIAN: TANK/DPS brise bouclier Attention, ce build a été créé lors de la version 23.3.50441 du jeu et son auteur ne l'a pas encore mis à jour. Il se peut donc que des sorts ou talents ne soient plus d'actualités, le jeu étant aujourd'hui en version 2.53.2.
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-Taunt Varian into garden-DPS and don't die. (repeat as long as it takes) I will probably try again when the servers come back online but with a couple more people to make it go faster. I would expect hunters to be able to do this too with plus their better dps. HotS build guides for every Heroes of the Storm hero. Find and create build guides for your favorite hero using our guide creator and build tools. VARIANS.P förutsätter att argumenten motsvarar hela populationen.
Då blir portföljens varians 0.2910023E-01 och standardavvikelse 17.1%. DPS. 2. 5,25. 14,35. -2,83. 3. 2,12. 8,8. -5,67. 4. 7,38. 59,16. -2,67. 5.
Tank Varian dies in a 1v2. dps Varian can win a 1v2 - often easily.
Nov 19, 2016 His DPS talents afford him the rare ability to tackle mercenary camps with little risk to himself, especially in the early and late game. His Parry
Quest: Participate in 5 Hero Takedowns.
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Nov 14, 2016 He can be both a tank or dps.
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It looks like the second ult CS makes targets vulnerable by 25%? It doesnt mention it but it seems like it. Varian DPS updated 31/01/2018 ! Attention, ce build a été créé lors de la version 2.30.6 du jeu et son auteur ne l'a pas encore mis à jour. Il se peut donc que des sorts ou talents ne soient plus d'actualités, le.
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Contact.All content ©2017 Blizzard Entertainment Inc. All Varian Medical Systems employees, authorized customers, and authorized Varian Oncology Agents are welcome to use this site. This site is not designed for use by the general public. Its purpose is to offer information, software, and other resources needed to enhance the support services that Varian provides to its customers. Varian NMR User's Guide by: Charles G. Fry (updated December 19, 2001) Note: This guide provides an introduction to use of Varian equipment at the UWChemMRF.
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21 Jul 2020 Honora, Ebert Varian (2019) Tinjauan yuridis terhadap keabsahan perjanjian nominee (studi kasus putusan no.82/pdt.G/2013/pn.Dps) 19 Nov 2016 His DPS talents afford him the rare ability to tackle mercenary camps with little risk to himself, especially in the early and late game.