In line with the press release of 15 July 2020, as well as the decision of Agromino's extraordinary general meeting held on 18 September 2020, the board of directors of Agromino A/S ('Agromino') ha
Agromino A/S: 1Q 2017 Interim Financial Report (Cision) 2017-05-31 08:00. 1Q 2017 Highlights · 1Q net loss reduced by EUR 8.2 million year on year · EBITDA improved by EUR 0.8 million · Disposal of non-core part of elevator business for EUR 1.1 million, profit of EUR 0.7 million included in …
Nasdaq Stockholm approves Agromino's application for delisting of Agromino's shares. 2020-10-18 07:30:00. Agromino A/S applies for delisting of its shares In the end of 2019 Agromino acquired Resilient a.s. The financials for 6 On July 15, 2020 Agromino announced its plans to apply for delisting Namnändring från Trigon Agri A/S till Agromino A/S den 25 april. 2010.
Den 26 november 2018 offentliggjorde Mabon investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem a.s, 28904681, (”Budgivaren”) ett kontant budpliktsbud till aktieägarna i Agromino A/S (”Bolaget” eller ”Agromino”) om förvärv av samtliga utestående aktier och teckningsoptioner i Bolaget (”Erbjudandet”). The Board of Directors hereby gives notice of the annual general meeting of Agromino A/S, CVR No. 29 80 18 43 (the 'Company') to be held on Agromino A/S: Notice convening extraordinary general meeting of Agromino A/S Fri, Feb 02, 2018 19:45 CET. The Board of Directors of Agromino A/S, CVR No. 29 80 18 43 (the "Company") hereby, at the request of its major shareholder Mabon investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem a.s. (the “Mabon”), owned and controlled by Mr. Petr Krogman, gives notice of an extraordinary Agromino’s costs of being listed on Nasdaq Stockholm are too high in relation to the size of the Company’s current operations. As a result of unsatisfactory financial results and divestments until 2018, the size of the Agromino Group has significantly decreased resulting in the Company’s market capitalization being 20x lower than in 2008 when the Company’s shares were listed on Nasdaq Agromino A/S' shares are traded on the main market of Nasdaq Stockholm. For subscription to Agromino A/S' announcements, please contact us: If you do not want to receive Agromino A/S' press releases automatically in the future, please send an e-mail to the following address: Agromino A/S shares are traded on the main market of Nasdaq Stockholm. For subscription to Agromino A/S announcements please contact us: If you do not want to receive Agromino A/S press releases automatically in the future please send an e-mail to the following address: .
Agromino A/S engages in the distribution of commercial cereals and dairy farms. The company operates in two segments, Ukraine and Milk Production. It operates commercial cereals and dairy farms, and offers elevator storage facilities. The company offers various cereals, such as wheat, sunflower, barley, corn, rapeseed, soya, and others.
Agromino A/S shares are traded on the main market of Nasdaq Stockholm. For subscription to Agromino A/S announcements please contact us: If you do not want to receive Agromino A/S press releases automatically in the future please send an e-mail to the following address: The board of directors (the 'Board of Directors') of Agromino A/S, CVR No. 29 80 18 43, ('Agromino' or 'Company') hereby gives notice of an extraordinary general meeting of Agromino to be held on Agromino är ett danskt bolag med verksamhet inom jordbrukssektorn. Idag producerar bolaget diverse spannmåls- och mejeriprodukter.
Agromino A/S (”Agromino” or the ”Company”) plans to apply for delisting of the Company’s shares, currently traded on Nasdaq Stockholm, without “downlisting” the shares to another trading platform. The formal application for delisting will, however, be submitted to Nasdaq Stockholm no earlier than three months after the market has been informed of the delisting plans …
About Agromino. Agromino is an integrated soft commodities production, storage and trading company with operations in Ukraine, Russia and Estonia. Agromino´s shares are traded on the main market of Nasdaq Stockholm. Den 26 november 2018 offentliggjorde Mabon investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem a.s, 28904681, (”Budgivaren”) ett kontant budpliktsbud till aktieägarna i Agromino A/S (”Bolaget” eller ”Agromino”) om förvärv av samtliga utestående aktier och teckningsoptioner i Bolaget (”Erbjudandet”).
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Överförd från First North. 2020-10-19 Agromino A/S AGROMINO: MABON HAR 63,3% AV AKTIERNA, FÖRLÄNGER EJ BUDPERIOD STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Mabons budpliktserbjudande till Agrominos aktieägare har accepterats av ägare med cirka 35,5 procent av aktier och omkring 51 procent av warranter i bolaget. THIS IS AGROMINO.
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Production Processing was suspended in Sep 2015 for 1 The mine is expected to Parent company Azent Ltd. Parent company Agromino AParent company TC
· Nasdaq Stockholm AB has approved the application and decided of Polish Merino breed maintained in Agrominor farm in Mokrzeszów (Poland). suspended cells of S. officinalis L. From suspensions cultures of this species, 24 Nov 2019 of Midroc Gold, Ethiopia's only industrial-scale mine, whose licence the government suspended in May 2018 over protests about pollution.
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PASSING OF AGROMINO A/S’ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thu, Apr 30, 2020 17:00 CET. On Thursday, 30 April 2020, the annual general meeting of Agromino A/S was held at Poul Schmith, Vester Farimagsgade 23, 1606 København V.
Agromino A/S applies for delisting of its shares from Nasdaq Stockho Agromino. Small Cap Stockholm Agromino, SEK, 18.7, 18.3, 2019-05-22 Agromino A/S applies for delisting of its shares from Nasdaq Stockholm News zur AGROMINO AKTIE ✓ und aktueller Realtime-Aktienkurs ✓ Tomorrow ( 30 October 2020) is the last day of trading of Agromino's shares on Nasdaq FreeDesk AB Spotlight delisted from the Stock Market after the close of market 7 december Agromino A/S (fd Trigon Agri A/S), conducting a reverse split. Newmont briefly suspended operations in 2018 after 6 workers were killed.