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Self-Retracting Lifelines, commonly called SRL's are a perfect solution for protection in many situations. See our selection of SRL's: OSHA requires that every piece of Fall Protection Equipment is inspected by the worker prior to use, and once a year by a competent inspector. This video sho 3/16 in. x 16 ft. Velocity Small Block Self Retracting Lifeline Cable The new Velocity SRL series from Guardian The new Velocity SRL series from Guardian Fall Protection includes models with lengths ranging from 16 ft. - 100 ft.

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Swivel and FA 50 101 17 connector at anchorage end. 20m Wire Cable Self Retracting Lifeline. Item Code: AK FA 20 402 20S. Comes with Stainless Steel Wire Rope of diam 4.5 mm Internal braking mechanism to reduce the fall arrest force to less than 6 kN. Swivel and FA 50 101 17 connector at anchorage end. Weight: 7.48 kg.

LEADING EDGE SELF-RETRACTING LIFELINE The Miller MightyLite™ Leading Edge Self-Retracting Lifeline (LE SRL) is designed to protect a worker from a fall that involves going over an edge. The MightyLite LE SRL features a shock absorber integrated into the lifeline: lowering fall arrest forces. Designed For Dual Applications

Made in EU – Akrobat brand. Product CE – Standard EN360.

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Akrobat self retracting lifeline

Add to quote. Categories: Fall Arrest Equipment, Self-Retracting Lifeline, SRL Special.

Extremely lightweight, it is available in Self-Retracting Lifelines, commonly called SRL's are a perfect solution for protection in many situations.
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1.8m Twin Webbing Self Retracting Lifeline. Item Code: AK WR040.

See our selection of SRL's: OSHA requires that every piece of Fall Protection Equipment is inspected by the worker prior to use, and once a year by a competent inspector.
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10, 15m Wire Cable Self Retracting Lifeline. Item Code: AK CR 250V 10, 15. Self Retracting Lifeline – Cable Ø 5 mm Built in brake with energy dissipating mechanism inside durable plastic housing.

Item Code: AK CR 250V 10, 15. Self Retracting Lifeline – Cable Ø 5 mm Built in brake with energy dissipating mechanism inside durable plastic housing.

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Guardian Fall Protection's non-leading edge self-retracting lifelines are designed for both maximum safety and maximum value.

3M DBI-SALA 20' PROTECTA Rebel Single Leg Self-Retracting Polyester Web Lifeline with Steel Snap Hook, Swiveling Anchorage and Anchorage Carabiner,3100431,Red/Black. 4.7 out of 5 stars. 120. $249.99.