11 Jun 2019 Illinois farmers who planted soybeans June 1 and afterwards have until July 15 to apply dicamba. The Minnesota deadline remains June 20.


Dicamba: Another Monsanto Tragedy - video with english and swedish subtitles. seeds down there and died Kamba was illegal to spray because it was 

The Dicamba products are classified as Restricted Use Pesticides with special labels because of earlier problems with off-target damages. Applicators must have either a commercial or private pesticide certification license to purchase and apply these dicamba formulations. BASF, the inventors of dicamba, have built a better dicamba from the molecule up: Engenia herbicide, the most flexible and advanced dicamba for dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. This app provides you with a host of resources, tools, information and training to help you get the most out of your herbicide applications and have the best growing season possible. Additionally, Payne helped negotiate a a June 30 cut-off date for the application of dicamba in Illinois, but late planting caused by wet fields meant the cut-off date was extended until July 15. Cut-off dates are generally imposed to limit drift and volatility, which is more likely to happen in warmer weather. 2021-03-04 · Many Arkansas farmers who plant dicamba-tolerant crops have long wanted to spray the herbicide deeper into the summer, primarily to fight "super weeds" that have grown resistant to other herbicides.

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Simplifying the label and use directions so that growers can more easily determine when and how to properly apply dicamba. Applicators should use these three products in accordance with label directions. I believe a date restriction would be more appropriate, a date in mid-June would be my preference. The label includes a growth stage restriction, and has been moved earlier in the season. The initial labels stated that dicamba could be applied up to and including the R1 growth stage, now it states that dicamba must be applied prior to beginning bloom (R1) or no more than 45 days after planting 2018-03-08 · Dicamba Spray Regs Increase that producers in only about 15% of Arkansas might be able to squeeze in an over-the-top-application before the ban date. 2019-06-11 · ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) has agreed to move its cutoff date for over-the-top dicamba applications from June 30 to July 15 -- but only for June-planted Planting Date: Planting date must now be recorded and should be communicated to the person applying RUP dicamba. No applications can be made later than 45 days after planting or the R1 stage of the target crop, whichever occurs first.

For the restricted dicamba labels approved for 2021 through 2025, NDA will enforce those labels similar to any other restricted use pesticide. Applicators are required to possess proper certification to buy and apply the products, as well as maintain all record keeping required by regulation and listed on the restricted dicamba labels.

Add AGPRO Dicamba 500 first to the spray tank. CLEANING Dicamba is a selective herbicide in the chlorophenoxy family of You also may be exposed if you touch plants that are still wet with spray. Date Reviewed When applying with other pesticides or crop products, only spray each respective dicamba product in tank-mixes with approved products. Check the label and website of the given product for an up-to-date list.

15 Jun 2020 Concrete finishing Aid: Spray-applied DAY1 concrete finishing aid for lubricating surface during finishing operations by Solomon Colors.

Dicamba spray dates

It is impossible to predict 2020-06-07 · Follow all recommendations on the Group 14 label to maximize effectiveness, including carrier volume, nozzle type, spray pressure, spray additives, and sprayer speed. Mechanical weed control is not a desirable option for most, but farmers with Xtend planted in 30-inch rows should consider the feasibility of interrow cultivation. The majority of those doing dicamba applications were licensed spray operators. So, we had upwards of 4,000 spray operators that had to become certified applicators, which meant taking yet another exam on top of the one they had already passed to be a certified operator. Agribusiness Association of Iowa 900 Des Moines Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone: 800.383.1682 Fax: 515.262.8960 The RRXtend Spray App provides forecasts for locations within the contiguous United States.

with automatic expiration dates in late 2018, unless EPA granted an extension of this time limitation. Prior to the 2016 registration actions for dicamba, dicamba uses on soybeans and cotton were limited to use on preplant and preharvest soybeans and on preplant and postharvest cotton.
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Jan 31, 2019 The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship recently issued a special local-needs registration for dicamba herbicide products used for application on dicamba-tolerant soybeans. 2020-12-23 · Dicamba: States Can’t Extend Spray Dates – DTN 3-11 EPA has moved to block state attempts to extend the dicamba cutoffs Read More Georgia: Dicamba Applicator Certified License Update 3-9 DICAMBA Page 1 of 12 To avoid uneven spray coverage, this product should not be applied during periods of gusty wind or when wind is in excess of 15 mph. The DTN article indicated that, “In the decision, the agency is attempting to thread a narrow needle — both obeying the court’s clear-cut order to end use, while also attempting to alleviate some of the pain the order was sure to cause, coming as it did in the middle of spray season, with roughly 60 million acres of dicamba-tolerant Xtend crop acreage anticipated.

(DTN photo by States Can’t Extend Dicamba Spray Dates. March 9, 2021 National Headlines Leave a comment.
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Agribusiness Association of Iowa 900 Des Moines Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone: 800.383.1682 Fax: 515.262.8960

2020-04-03 · The 24(c) restrictions range from additional training to cutoff dates on dicamba applications. States with cutoff dates include:-- Illinois: June 20 cutoff date and a temperature cutoff of 85 2021-03-10 · The state was working to move the federal cutoff of June 20 for soybeans and July 30 for cotton out to July 31 for both crops. Several states are trying to institute similar dicamba spray extensions via Section 24 (c) special local needs labels, which allow states to add additional uses to federal pesticide labels.

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26 May 2020 Growers with dicamba-tolerant Xtend soybeans should keep in mind the tight you may get a new 45-day window to spray dicamba from the federal label; but in “Our cutoff date is pretty much set in stone,” he told DTN.

You may start by counting day 1 as the day after the field planting date.